1. How do I prepare my child for day care?
After you have visited a number of day care facilities and have narrowed your list to the top three, you may want to visit them once more with your child. Once you are ready to enroll your child, talk to your child about the transition several days in advance leading up to the final day of attending day care. Children are not much different than adults in certain areas, the more information you provide your child about entering day care, the more comfortable and in control they will feel. Therefore, include them in the process as much as possible by giving them the information that they should know. Discuss what their first day might be like. Let them know that you will be thinking of them throughout the day, the time of day you will pick them up, and ask them if there’s something they’d like to bring from home. Tell them about the various activities that will take place in day care, if you are excited about it, they will be too.
**You should know that ALL children eventually need to and do separate successfully. So if you stay calm it will make the transition smoother.
During the first day of school, it’s beneficial if you provide yourself with plenty of time. If you are feeling rushed or have a sense of urgency, this will make everyone nervous and the transition will not go as well as planned. Have a pleasant morning together and talk to your child about what each other’s day will be like. Communication is especially imperative in the beginning. Once you arrive, always says goodbye and be honest with your child! Never say things like, “I’ll be right back.” This will only create tension and make the process more difficult in the days to follow. When you feel the time is right, which should never be more than two minutes, this way you do not provide a sense of false hope that you’ll be staying together for the day, give your child a nice big hug and kiss and part ways on a good note. If you have made the decision to go, GO! The longer it takes for you to leave the harder it will become. The leaving process for both child and parents is the most stressful time so making it as short and honest as possible is the Best Policy. Eventually, you will both feel better.
We provide parent accessible cameras for the sake of your comfort. Always remember we are just a phone call away. We are here to help all of you and get through the process together as painlessly as possible. If you have any suggestions, questions, concerns, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
2. How do I choose a day care?
Choosing a day care can be one of the most stressful times for you and your child, but mostly for you. When choosing a place and the people that will care for your little prince or princess when you’re not around, you must feel comfortable when leaving them. Remember, children feel when the parents are worried or stressed, so the less you display it the less your little ones will feel anxious. Bring your child with you to see how they act in the new surroundings, children will usually be a sure sign of whether they like the facility or not. Don’t be shy, ask all the questions you can think of, this too will make you less nervous.
3. What happens if my child is sick or becomes ill in day care?
During the school year, your child may become ill. Especially in the beginning, when your child just begins day care, which will last until their immune system stabilizes and they become accustomed to being around so many children. The information below applies to all children admitted into our program and it is to ensure the welfare of each child in Smart Stars Academy.
In case of your child is ill, such as having a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or any other symptoms listed below, we ask that you MUST keep your child at home either until he/she is cleared by a doctor (with a note for our files) and/or the symptoms resolve. Once again, this is not to punish any child; on the contrary it is for the safety and full recovery of that child and the health of other children.
If you bring your to school, and are unaware that they are sick, but symptoms begin to emerge while the child is in school, you will be contacted immediately and asked that you pick up your child as soon as possible. Again, this is for the protection of all children in our program.
If you must keep your child at home, please make arrangements for your child ahead of time so as to not inconvenience yourself or your child. We ask that you inform your child’s teacher, so that she can carefully plan for any missed work that your child may be able to attend to at home, or make up upon return.
Other symptoms where a child will not be allowed into our facility:
- Any unusual skin rashes
- Lice / Nits
- Conjunctivitis / Pinkeye
- Severe Complaints of Headache
- Severe Coughing, Breathing, Sore Throat, and/or Swallowing
***Again, these measures are to make sure your child gets well soon and that no other children are put at risk of getting sick.
4. What will my child need at the start of Day Care?
3. How do I begin potty training at home?
We are here to help and will keep up the potty training, however, this is a process that requires your commitment at home, first and foremost!
Always communicate to your child what will be happening. The more informed your child is about the “potty training” process, the more in authority they will feel thus giving them more confidence. Make it exciting for them. Start by getting a ‘musical potty’, or a toilet seat with their favorite character, etc. Allow them to sit and go as they please, this way they become comfortable with the potty and there is no fear or the un-known. Explain to them that they will now become big boys and girls. You should start putting your child in toddler pull-ups, accidents will happen, but do not become discouraged. Tell your child that they are no longer wearing diapers, but now are in big boy/girl undies. If your child has an accident, please don’t get angry or disappointed, you must reassure your child that they will do better next time.
You have to understand they will not ask to go in the beginning. It will be your duty to take them to the bathroom every 30-45 minutes. Each time your child uses the potty correctly, make sure to praise him/her, a reward system may work great for your child. Use items like a sticker, or anything that will make this a fun and happy experience.
Most children will have accidents during nap and night time, but it shouldn’t take long for them to remain dry throughout the day. Once they remain dry for the better part of the day, for a few days in a row, put underwear on top of the pull-ups to monitor for a few more days. If you see your child is remaining dry, remove the pull-ups and just leave the underwear. However, keep taking your child to the bathroom every 30-45 minutes. Eventually, your child will begin asking to go, and then you must work on nap and night time accidents. Remember that all children will eventually learn to use the potty, they just require consistency, commitment, and a little help from you and us. Who knows, it might be easier than you think!